Thursday, September 18, 2014

Post Critique Reflection

       In times of stress and exaggerated goals comes mastering of improvisation and overall multitasking. This has never been more true than with the last project of the weeklong random word portfolio. Through this project I have created 10 works of art based around the word sagacity, meaning to be sagacious or well minded. To handle such a large order in such little time the need to stay after school or come in during resource became a necessity. But through these extra times of work came an excess of creativity for that in these times of stressful thinking came my best ideas for work as well as unique ways of creating said ideas. From these late sessions came the idea for collage which added a whole new level of layering and color pallet for that I could only use the specific colors of paper at hand. In the end I'm overall very satisfied with the weeks worth of work and though through the use of pastels some details became blurry, I feel the overall portfolio was a success. 

1 comment:

  1. There were some truly brilliant interpretations of your assigned word for this exploration. I most enjoyed the literal interpretation of the sage jar. Afterall, what kind of gardener would I be if I didn't embrace the sage. From an artistic point of view the boxer and collages are intriguing and successful as small gems of composition. Excellent collection!
