Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Self Portrait Proposal

In order to meet the criteria, I will create a self portrait through exaggeration by choosing a a perspective that forces the body in to a elongated form. To do so I either plan to continue down the painting pathway by using oil paints or stepping it up a bit and go back to my drawing roots and use charcoal or some ink. The other big idea is perhaps making a print of sorts and etching the entire portrait. With this in mind, I wanna have my piece be me laying across my floor staring up at my ceiling fan with the point of observation taking place from either a hand or the top of my head. I feel this is a significant area for me for that as time moves forward and friends and family continually dip and bend and change, I still come back to my room and feel, even for the smallest of time, able to be totally stagnant in time, letting the world around me stop almost instantly with only my ceiling fan reminding me that I'm still alive. This will surely produce some exaggeration for that by having one part extremely close and large, it forces all other parts of the body to shrink and mold around the initial body part. The composition will stand out for that there will be very sharp contrast between cloth, walls, skin, and carpeting, along with the framing of the piece following the rule of thirds. In the end I'm excited to see what my skill level is able to create from the high hopes I have set in my mind.

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