Monday, July 14, 2014

Another Monday

Happy Monday folks,

The past week at my house has been completely dedicated to cleaning. From my bedroom, to the garage, to the piles amung piles of clutter in the basement, I've been sorting through and organizing essentially forgotten memories lost in the sands and dust of time. It's certainly been a long process seeing how there's still many more boxes to go through, but slow and steady cleans the house. Besides the deep philosophical thoughts unburied by seemingly worthless junk found in the crevices of my household, I've been continually drawing and what have you but I've also been watching a lot of documentaries. Some resonating at this moment are Children of Darkness and The Confessions of Robert Crumb. While the latter is more of an insight into the strange world of an interesting artist, the prior is a pretty chilling yet emotional look at kids that reside in psychiatric camps. The interviews with the patients are what make the film touching for that you have a glimpse into a world we individually may have never thought existed. If you ever have the chance and the need to reflect on the how careless we are with what we take for granted, I highly recommend it. Along with documentaries the music I've been listening to has been a mix of new aged R&B, trippy vaporwave, and some good ol' pop punk. Artists and albums that were in this mix that I'd recommend would be Blood Orange's Cupid Delux, Macintosh Plus' Floral Shoppe, and American Footballs self titled album. All and all the week has been filled with reflection as well as a recent case of painstaking insomnia which hopefully with wither away seeing that I wanna continue to feel well rested and such for the days to come.

Till next time...

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